Fashion of Mass Distraction

Hello readers!

The last two articles published were ‘Life in the Delhi Metro’ and ‘The Good & Bad of Fashion 2017’. This got me thinking about the innumerable times I have noticed rather bizarre fashion choices of my fellow commuters. Before I continue, it’s important to get one thing straight: People should wear what they want to and how they want to. I’m not a ‘fashion nazi’ and I certainly mean no offense to anyone. Having said that, sometimes one can’t help but notice (and judge a little) those who truly stand out in a crowd by their choice of attire!

There are several ways to pass time in the metro; by reading a book, listening to music, watching a sitcom, chatting with friends etc, but the best/most-entertaining way has to be observing people and their odd choice of clothing & accessories. Here are some of the eye-catching observations that I’ve made :-

1.   The Disco ball: Admit it, we’ve all been partially blinded at least once by a person who went overboard with bling in broad daylight. A little bit of glitter and sequins is fine, but an outfit covered in it makes me want to run for cover from all that glare!

2.  Too cool for school: I’m talking about people who wear sunglasses while the train is underground. Keeping those with eye-infections aside, what could others possibly be  shielding their eyes from! Is there bright lighting? No. Is it dusty? No. Are you a celebrity facing crazy paparazzi? No. Someone please explain this to me because I, for the life of me, just can’t figure this one out!

3.   Sagging pants: This is by far the most irksome of all. No dude, I don’t want to see your underwear. Just pull up those pants! (My biggest fear is that they will drop: Too Much Information!) I live in Delhi, so please don’t add to the already-overflowing list of obscene things I come across everyday.

4.  Socks with sandals: If the colour of the socks worn with sandals was limited to beige/nude, I would have made my peace with it, but what I’ve seen is  wacky patterns in a diverse range of shapes and colours. Let’s just say that it’s not a sight for the sore eyes, it’s just a sore sight.

5.   Odd slogan Tee’s: I love quirky texts/graphics on T-shirts, but some are just baffling. Once I saw a college going girl wearing  a T-shirt with ‘papa ki pari’ written on it and this other time a guy wearing one which said ‘I am osum’. *cringe*

6.   The Superhuman: This person defies weather and the clothing patterns dictated by it. Allow me to paint a picture for you; It’s winter time and like others, I’m freezing and my teeth are chattering despite wearing layers of clothing, while in front of me standing is a person dressed comfortably in a single layer! What sorcery is this ?!?

7.     Makeup over-enthusiast: A little kajal and mascara never hurt anybody, but caking one’s face up and wearing super bright lipsticks when it just doesn’t go with the outfit reminds me of the clown from the movie IT.

8.    Weird footwear: Where do I even begin? Grass slippers, crocs, shoes with long pointy toes, shoes with tassels, loafers with long socks/without any socks, ugly bulky sneakers …… I could go on forever. Honestly, how did they even become trends!

9.    Colour-coordinated and Rainbow love: There are two extremes here; on the one hand we have someone who takes the concept of  ‘colour coordination' wayyy too seriously, while on the other hand we have someone who is just one colour short of looking like a rainbow! The first one needs to be introduced to the concept of colour-blocking and the second one to subtlety.

10.  Bappi Lehri style: One can’t underestimate the value simple pieces of jewelry can add to an ensemble; cool watches, pretty pendants, funky bracelets, quirky hair accessories, simple earrings etc. The idea is to pair one or a few of these with an outfit to increase its style quotient. Sadly, many ignore the saying ‘Less is more’ and follow ‘More is more, less is bore’.

So the next time you travel, keep your eyes open, for the metro is crowded and full of such errors!

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