Padmavati Furore

(Yes, I said the P word in its original form)

We just celebrated our 69th Republic Day, a day we acknowledge the formal adoption of the Constitution of India. However, this is no longer a country where ‘the law is the rule’, at least not fully. Here ‘might is right’ and the recent Padmavati furore is one of the best examples for this. 

The past two years have seen the quick rise of an obscure organization to such dizzying heights of popularity, that it should be taught as a case study for students of Marketing and Publicity! Two years ago, if anyone had asked me who Shree Rajput Karni Sena (referred to as SRKS hereafter) is, I wouldn't have had a clue, but now all I hear about is this depraved organization. SRKS is a caste-based organization formed in 2005 and over the years it has committed several acts of transgressions such as vandalism, rioting, assault, threatening etc. Despite this, they have only grown bigger and stronger, and this bothers me deeply.

Let’s talk about their recent claim to fame from the very beginning. They first made the headlines in January 2017, when they vandalized and torched the Padmavati film set in Rajasthan. A group of miscreants broke all the mirrors, among other things, which were to be used for a scene in which Allauddin Khilji is shown Padmavati’s reflection, because according to these ‘extremely well-read historians’, her face was never shown to him. It wasn't her reflection but her brother’s, who was made to dress up like her. This story has of-course never been verified by anybody. Then they assaulted the director of the movie, Mr Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and threatened to shut down the filming. After that came the news of their ‘bravest act’ yet- announcing to mutilate Deepika Padukone’s nose and announcing a bounty on her life. This was followed by threats of torching the cinema halls that dared to screen the movie. In spite of The Supreme Court and the Central Board of Film Certification giving this movie a green signal, Lokendra Kalvi, who heads this Sena said, “Sanjay Leela Bhansali makes films that divide communities. He profits from our emotions and anger.” (Excuse me while I go laugh my head off). For the grand finale, just a few days before the movie release date, which coincidentally was one day before India’s Republic day, we saw SRKS’s mind-numbingly foolish behaviour on full display: large-scale rioting, stone pelting, outrageous sloganeering, effigy burning and mindless torching of objects. ( Here is a sample) 

We are slowly championing the art of taking offense at everything and passing fake news/fiction as actual facts. I’m sure you all have read several articles on the legend of Padmavati and are all too familiar with the story, but I wanted to share one piece published by the Indian Express. Here is an excerpt from the article: ‘Cultural memory of a community hardly ever distinguishes between historical authenticity and fictional concepts that have over time acquired the garb of historicity. In that sense, it becomes increasingly difficult for the community to come to terms with the fact that a part of their historical pride may or may not have existed at all’.(Click on this link to read in detail). 

What the Karni Sena has managed to do brilliantly, is to create a narrative wherein Rani Padmavati has become the latest symbol of the cultural identity of the Rajput community, so that anyone who says anything opposite to what is being portrayed, automatically directs the ire of those easily influenced by such cheap tactics.

Shree Rajput Karni Sena is the biggest group of hypocrites there can be. On the one hand they talk about Rajputi valour, and on the other, they attack a bus ferrying school kids (Here is the proof) They talk about History like they are experts on the subject, but when asked about the legend of Padmavati, they know absolutely nothing (Click here to watch the video ). While they are the ones who go on and on about the honour of a woman, they are also the ones who threaten to cut the nose of one and announce a bounty on her head. 
If only these people trying to protect the memory and dignity of Padmavati, did the same for women who actually exist and are not fictional…
In my opinion, SRKS is just a gang of goons brandishing swords, who are clueless about history, culture, civic sense, anything remotely related to education and most importantly the difference between fiction and fact. There are several issues that need serious dialogue and participation of the community like education, health, women empowerment etc. These brave souls have picked up the most important one of all- to protest a director taking creative liberty on the filming of a fictional story/legend. *slow claps*
They say that the movie Padmavat is tarnishing the name and pride of Rajputs, but it is actually them who are dragging the name of this reputed community to the dirt.
(In the end, I’m leaving a link for a hillarious video made by Scoop Whoop which perfectly sums up my feeling on this entire episode. Click here to watch-My name is Karni Sena bhai!)

Things one must do in College

Hey There!

For me college-life was a breeze; a super relaxed schedule, hanging out with my friends and not having a care in the world. Then came the strong wind, which was preparing for the Indian Civil Services. And finally the full-blown hurricane, when I decided to drop the civils-prep (You can read more about my feelings on that in ‘How we started Blogging'). After that I had no idea whatsoever about my future, it was like starting from scratch. I was filled with regret about all the things I should have done back in college. But now that life is back on track, I decided to write about the things I wish I had done then, hoping to help some college students out there!

  1. Internships: One practical lesson is worth ten theoretical ones. Even if you can squeeze in one internship per year it makes a HUGE difference. If only I knew the importance of internships during my college days, life would be so much easier now. I suggest you pick up internships from your field but these don’t necessarily have to be related to the subject you are pursuing a degree in. If something else interests you, this is the right time to see if you can make a career out of it. I have had a great experience with Internshala.You have to explore to find out what you do the best (Believe me when I say this, doing so will reduce a lot of stress when in the future you are having a bad day at work and are questioning ALL of your choices).
  2. Trips with your squad: I cannot stress this enough : You must take at least one trip each year with your friends. Trust me, the entire process of begging for permission from your parents, emotionally blackmailing your friends into agreeing to join in, all the planning re-planning and re-re planning, everything up till the day you leave and the actual duration of the trip, is nothing but a golden time. I only managed to take one vacation with my gang , even so, I can say that those were truly the best days of my life. 
  3. College Events: College Fest, Department Fest, Conferences, College society functions; just pick any event and participate. Not just for the sake of a certificate, but for real experience. Shirk the laziness, shed away all your inhibitions, and be active! You have no idea how much you can learn and connect by organizing such events.
  4. Freshers/Farewell: Get on the stage and grab that mike! Participate in the performing-arts part of these functions along with your friends. Not only will the final performance be a memory to cherish forever, but even the prep days leading up to it will be unforgettable. 
  5. Language: Sign up to learn a new one!. Learning a new language opens up the gates to understanding a different culture and meeting new people. If you actively search for opportunities, who knows, you may even come across a great cultural exchange programme ! It’ll be another notch on your belt. 
  6. College fests :I am a DU alumnus and I have to say that the College-Fest season is the best time to be in campus. The place just comes alive (more than usual) ,electrified and buzzing with excitement. I managed to attend a few fests during my time as a student there, but I regret not going to every college on campus to experience more. 

  7. Hobby: Singing, writing ,poetry, pottery, theater: Whatever makes your soul sing. This is the time to engage with your hobby and hone your skills. Take part in some competitions or pick up random gigs. It is going to be so much fun!
  8. Networking: Don’t be that person who stays with his/her group of 3-4 friends throughout the college life and does not talk to anyone else. Expand your circle of contacts. Make an effort to get to know what your peers are doing, their plans for the future or even something as basic as their favorite eating joints in and around college. Get in touch with your seniors and juniors. Just engage with more people! 

In short, while in college, be the busiest person ever! Fill your calendar with a bunch of different activities. This is the only time when you can focus completely on yourself- your hobbies, your interests , your career, just YOU without any stress/obligations/expectations whatsoever. 
Make the most of it! Find yourself.

Life in the Delhi Metro- The sequel

Hey There!

“Thhoda adjust karlo”... The most terrifying words any metro rider has ever heard.

“Agla station rajiv chowk hai”- The second most terrifying words a metro rider can hear. Just a few moments before the train is set to halt at Rajiv chowk station and the doors are thrown open to unleash the storm, one's body makes a transformation so fast that it can give the autobots from the Transformers movie a run for their money. On seeing the sea of people, ready to pounce, their faces reflecting hunger and desperation for a seat, I feel my heartbeat quicken, breathing fasten, and warrior instincts kick in, ready to forge my path through the battlefield that is Rajiv Chowk!

A few of you had mentioned that I'd missed out on some crucial types of metro riders in Life in the Delhi Metro. Fear not dear readers, I was saving the best for last! 

Types of aunties-

The Ninja: This is the most common species one can find in a metro compartment, their skills can be compared to those of a ninja. (she moves really fast and can ‘adjust’ her whole body in the tiniest of areas possible while keeping an eye on the better seats and gossiping with her companions). Move aside Ninja Hattori, we’ve got a new superhero in town! 

The Chatterbox: ”बेटा आपकी शादी हो गयी?” This incident is from a phase when I had severe acne and one auntyji decided to share the skin related woes of her teenage daughter. So I told her politely that I never had much acne as a teenager and this might just be a phase or something, that is when she said, "हाँ, देखो ना बेटा कितना भद्दा लग रहा है|" Gee aunty, Thank you so much, you really are very nice. I hope to never see you again. EVER.


The peeper: If you happen to be doing anything on your phone, you are this person’s first priority, every cell in their body is peeping into your phone, even if it means they have to contort their body into seemingly odd positions. Isn’t it cute when you and bae watch movies together? 

Types of girls-

Phone-a-friend- This one has her earphones in at all times, but for a different reason than the music-lover. She is on the phone either with her mom or best friend or boyfriend or bhabhi or chachi, it doesn’t really matter who. She just needs to be on the phone all the time because god forbid if she isn’t, she might miss out on some important gossip. How on Earth does she get such good network? I find it impossible to get through a 30 second phone call to tell my mother that I’m on my way!

The overdressed- Most likely to be stared at as if she were an alien, this girl is sooo me! Wearing fancy clothes, dressed in heels and with make-up on, this girl is probably on her way to attend an event for which taking the metro was the most convenient option. Don't judge her please!

The sweet one- It makes my day when a stranger compliments me and this girl does just that. If she likes your outfit, she is going to make sure that you know it. (Two hours in front of the mirror trying to ‘wing it’ were worth it). More power to you girl!


The kumbhkaran- This kind nods off the moment he/she find a seat (some even while standing up if they can’t get one) only to wake up literally 30 seconds before their station. I mean, what sorcery is this?

Fam-Jam- this usually happens on a Sunday when the whole family squad sets out to visit relatives and friends. The ladies are in the women's compartment and men in the general. The kids just shuttle between the two. The commotion that ensues to coordinate before the exit station could make a fish market look like the most peaceful place on Earth.

The obsessive compulsive sitter- This kind puzzles me the most, I mean when you know that you have to get off at the next station, what is the need to scramble for a seat by elbowing others! What relaxation can one possibly get by sitting for less than a minute.

Space Hoarder- Most likely to board from Chandini Chowk, this kind travels in packs, tugging along giant bags overflowing with stuff, who treat the coach as their own drawing room. They place these packages anywhere and everywhere and proceed to sit on the floor, blocking entrances and converting the compartment into a hurdle-race track. One person sitting down because they are tired after a long day is understandable but the whole squad does not need to get on the floor!

So with this our metro series comes to an end (for now).

P.S. May the odds be ever in your favor, each time you set foot in the delhi metro!

How we started blogging!

Hey There!

Writing is an art, one that, until recently, we thought we did not possess. To think that we could write articles that would garner decent readership, was a crazy idea to us! We were sort of sailing (well, more like sinking) in the same boat career-wise after college. We’d spent years being fixated on one thing only and didn't pay attention to millions of other opportunities the world had to offer. Both of us were looking at doing something new, fun and creative. That is how we came to start this blog!

State of mind before starting the blog

Manasvi: Panic. Anxiety. Nervousness. Confusion. I had recently given up on my career of choice and had decided to move on since it was not working out for me. It was very difficult to just drop everything. I did not know what I would do next or which job would be good for me. I just knew that I had to move on. Before starting the blog I was feeling lost and helpless. Blogging was, in a way, always at the back of my mind but I would have never started a blog without a little nudge in that direction from Mitali.

Mitali: While I was hunting for opportunities to make a fresh start after moving on from what I thought was my career path, Manasvi came up with the idea of starting a blog, and sought a review from me on her first article.I had a lot of free time on my hands at that time, so I happily obliged. Just editing that article alone was such a satisfying and refreshing experience, that when she suggested we start a joint blog, I did not waste a second more and quickly sat down to write my first article ever. I mean, I was going to make myself available to edit her articles anyway, might as well get fully committed to the blog and get credits for the same!

Motivation to start blogging

Manasvi: I was online all the time, looking for new career options and things that I would be good at. That is when I came across some articles about blogging and I thought maybe I should try this, I was still not sure. Then, I came across a Digital marketing Training and was immediately convinced to sign up because one of its lessons gave us an in-depth knowledge about blogging and the exercises entailed in starting a blog. That’s how I started blogging and wrote my first every post about Motivation. (Motivation tools- Tried and Tested)

Mitali: The idea was not to create any path-breaking content. I just wanted to write about simple- everyday life things to pass time, while I looked for prospective career options.The appreciation I got for my first piece (Testy Twenties) was so overwhelming, that it made me want to write more and take it seriously. In this age of digital media, where there is no shortage of platforms to share one’s views on, I decided to share my Musings and Mutterings which I know will resonate with many of my readers.

How blogging has helped us

Manasvi: Blogging has been cathartic for me. All my negative energies are now channeled into creating valuable content for my blog. If I am not doing anything else I am thinking about my blog- what topics would be interesting, the issues that are close to my heart or the graphics I should create. Thinking about all these things is relaxing and keeps anxiety and stress at bay. It’s similar to journal writing except, everyone can read the blog and relate to my thoughts and musings. This blog is just a month old ,yet it has become a huge part of my personal development. I have become more aware and observant, and I’m always trying to be and to do better.

Mitali: Blogging has been a revelation! It has been much more than just a creative outlet. Besides adding to my existing skill set, it has been a source of personal growth, and has brought with it so many valuable life lessons: to not be afraid of trying something new, to not let the fear of failure stop one from pursuing one's interests and the most important one of all, to always always have faith in oneself! Things ultimately have a way of working out on their own ( Manasvi is now happily interning in a digital marketing company, and I am about to begin an internship tomorrow!)

Our plans for the blog this year

We are toddlers in this vast world of blogging as we’ve been active for just a little over a month. Our blog is called Musings & Mutterings for a reason: we decided not to stick to a particular genre and to write about pretty much everything- from our metro journeys to popular sitcoms, from social taboos in India to trials and tribulations of most twentysomethingyear olds. We have managed to find our groove, and are more excited than ever to tell you more of our stories. This year we plan to hunt for more exciting content, write about more such relatable things, expand our reach and improve our delivery.

In the end , all we would like to say is that if there is anything that you want to try your hand at, don’t let the fear of how it will be received by others hold you back!

New year, new opportunities. Let 2018 be the year you find your spark!

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